Affiliate terms & Conditions

Affiliate agreement

These Terms, and any Contract between us, are only in the English language.

This Agreement is made by and between

1. Prezola Limited, Company No 7630238, whose registered office is The Metro Building, 1 Butterwick, Hammersmith, London, England W6 8DL, hereinafter referred to as Prezola, and

2. An affiliate, hereinafter referred to as the Affiliate.


A. Prezola operates a Wedding Gift List service and seeks to acquire New Customers.

B. The Affiliate operates a [business summary].

Promotion of Prezola by the Affiliate

1.1 The Affiliate will actively promote, recommend and endorse Prezola through an agreed promotional plan, including the sending of marketing materials provided by Prezola.

1.2 Marketing Materials will contain a unique Affiliate Promotion Code to be used in all promotion by the Affiliate.

1.3 A New Customer is one who has not previously registered a wedding gift list with Prezola.

1.4 Prezola cannot share any of the couples personal information with affiliates. Please see Prezola privacy policy for more information.

Affiliate commission

2.1 Prezola will pay the affiliate a fixed commission in respect for every Qualifying List.

2.2 Qualifying Lists are those created as a direct result of a New Customer registering for a Prezola gift list using the unique Affiliate Promotion Code or unique affiliate referral link.

2.3 Prezola will also pay the affiliate a fixed commission in respect of Qualifying Purchases that take place on a Qualifying List.

2.4 A Qualifying Purchase is a guest purchase towards branded product. Cash funds are not eligible.

2.5 Commission will accumulate as a balance on your account once it has been approved. You can request pay out at any time by raising an invoice.

Term & termination

3.1 Either party can cancel the agreement with no fixed notice period

3.2 Prezola reserve the right to amend the affiliate scheme commission structure with no fixed notice period

3.3 To terminate the agreement please email

3.4 Termination shall be in writing by either party.